Welcome to purepurrfection

 photo Bratty.png

Welcome to purepurrfection. My little world. I love to create with psp and photo shop and my dezinz here are always free to download and use. Please enjoy. Here you will find scrap kits and quick pages papers and all kinds of fun creations for everyone. If you like what you see, leave me a hug;).
Please tell others about my my little world and invite them to stop by.

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Ginners Gift Shop

Ginners Gift Shop

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Wow Thank you so much Mary

Here is Marys tag she made me using my pure obsession kit
Thank you Mary I love it

Saturday, May 7, 2011

Here Is My Gift To All Moms Everywhere Enjoy

Here is my gift to all moms everywhere, I made this kit
for all moms, they are my moms favorite colors, I 
don't have my mom with me anymore, so I made this
as my way of telling her how much I miss and love her
Happy Mothers Day Everyone.
Down Load Here

Thursday, May 5, 2011

Here is another Mothers Day Art and a few extras

  Here is a little gift for you all, I made yet another Mothers
Day word art for you, here is the preview. I have included
in the folder, my word art, one paper and the flower enjoy.
You can down load it all here

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Mothers Word Art and Quick Page

With Mothers day this Sunday. I was missing my mom, so 
I made my mom word art for you and a Quick Page enjoy
You can down load the word art and Quick page in the to mom
with love folder here

Happy Mothers Day Everyone

Here is MY Grandmas Garden Template

Here I have for you, the Grandmas Garden Template to go with
Grandmas Garden Kit. Enjoy. Please if you like my Dezinz, be sure
to let me know. Thank you
Down Load Here

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Here it is Grandmas Garden Scrap Kit

Here is my new kit, hope you like my Grandmas Garden kit
Enjoy. If you like my Dezinz, leave me some hugs.
Down load here

Monday, May 2, 2011

Just showing off;)

Here is a Tag I just did.

Oh I have a treat for you;) Ready??:)

Here is my treat for you, all hand made by me;)
This is my cluster frame that will go with my
Grandmas Garden kit and Template, Just wanted
to tease you some;)
And if I get 20 more followers I will post
the link for you all to download. Soooooo,
get me some followers. hehe. But Please consider following;)
Now I lay me down to sleep one less terrorist this world does keep with all my heart I give my thanks to those in uniform regardless of ranks you serve our country and serve it well with humble hearts your stories tell so as I rest my weary eyes while freedom rings our flag still flies you give your all do what you must with God we live and God we trust Amen and Amen  

Summer Kit

Here is a summer time kit for you Enjoy