Sweet Stuff tutorial was written by purepurfection.
Please do not copy or claim as your own, thank you
Brattys Dezinz.
Paint shop pro, any version will do.
Tube: I am using the awesome artwork of Gary Rudisill, you can purchase his tubes here
Scrap Kit: Sweet Stuff was made by me, you will
be able to download my kit from my blog here
I made this kit to go with Garys Sweet Stuff tube.
Let’s begin
Open up psp,file, new image, 600x600
From the scrap kit, copy and paste paper number Dezinz 6. Next open up your tube:Note your tube should have a close up image, that is the one we are working with right now. Copy and paste the close up image, center.
Open up the ribbons from my kit, copy and paste, move them both to the center, make sure they are placed in front of your close up tube, see my example for placement.
Open up your tube again, we are using the smaller tube now, copy and paste/re size 85percent. move it over to the right hand side, again see my example for placement.
Next open up my word art, copy and paste and move it over to the left hand side. See my example for placement. Open up the other word art, copy and paste and place it on top of the other word art, moving it off some. Check my example for position. Once your happy
with the word art position, let’s add a small drop shadow, use these settings.
offset 3
horizontal 3
opacity 60
blur 5.00
color black
shadow unchecked
click o.k
Next open up the siloutte(black) girl, copy and paste
re size 85 percent. place behind your smaller tube at the right, offset it a little, see mine for placement.
Add a small drop shadow to the layer. Same settings as before.
Next open up the chain, re size 65 percent, copy and paste the chain, make sure it is on top of the word art, Image free rotate to the right 5.00, click o.k
I changed the color of my chain to match my tube.
Next open up the heart tube, re size, you chose how big or small you like it.:) copy and paste and put it so it is sitting on top of the chain at the bottom.
I added a few extras to my tag, you can too if you like.
Be sure to add the artists info and your lic. number.
Hope you enjoyed my tutorial as much as I did creating it.
Quote: Love.Laugh.Create from your heart.
Brattys Dezinz